Visiting Currycult und Tide at the Germania Campus
Our hidden treasure from
Thursday, December 4, 2014
suggested by
Justus Holler.
If you are in Germany you must try a typical German “Currywurst”. One of the best places to try one is located at the Germania Campus in Münster. In “Currycult” you can choose from a variety of great “Currywurst”-menus. After you enjoyed your Currywurst you can move to the other side of the fountain. Here you can remain for the rest of the evening in the cocktail bar “Tide”. The Tide has a good selection of the mainstream cocktails and furthermore special cocktails depending on the season. It is not only great because of the good cocktails but also because of the lounge atmosphere. Where else can you relax on comfortable sofas or on fatboys and enjoy your cocktail with your friends?
Show me, show me, show me!!!

Where to find this gem
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